
Midwives The Hague

We are Sylke Keizer, Roos Gelauff and Michelle Beijerinck.

With more than 20 years of experience, we are happy to guide you through pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

Our close-knit team of midwives is available 24/7. In addition, we have a number of specialists in our practice for extra (additional) care.

This way we can provide the ultimate support for a safe and relaxed pregnancy, delivery and maternity period.

Team Mundo

Trust you own power with the Mundo Plus package!

Strong back and pelvis
Strong back and pelvis

Pelvis therapy
Pelvic therapy



Carrying capacity
Carrying capacity


Combination checkups

We do ultrasound and blood checkups as well as a consultation with your midwife. All during one appointment!

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Why choose Mundo midwives?

24 uur per dag bereikbaar
We are available 24 hours every day.
Get a daily checkup if you wish.

Lange consulten
We have seperate longer consultations to develop and discuss the birthplan.

All ultrasounds at our location with advanced ultrasound equipment and specialised staff.

Avond spreekuur
An evening consultation every week (met echo's!)

Eigen verloskundige
Consultations with the gynaecologist and your own midwife at our location(s)

We have a fantastic powersession 'Giving birth in The Hague' where we provide honest information and assist you with your choices

Avond spreekuur
We are a hypnobirthing-friendly company. Sylke and Michelle are both certified Hypnobirthing practioners

Andere diensten
Besides midwife service we provide pelvic therapy, massages, psychological help, dietary and nutritional advice and acupuncture at our location(s)

Gratis parkeren
Easy and free parking

Your personal wishes

We consider it important to adapt our obstetric care to your personal needs.

Our primary concern is to provide high-quality and safe obstetric care. We made a conscious decision to have a small midwifery practice, so that we can offer custom-made care and adapt that care to the individual wishes of the future parent(s).

Obstetric care at Mundo

Our goal is to provide obstetric care such that every woman can look back contently at her pregnancy, birth and postpartum period. We will discuss with you what you need to achieve this goal.

We work in close cooperation with the gynecologists from the Haaglanden area, so you can have our assistant schedule an appointment for you with your gynecologist as well.

We work with the following hospitals:

Haga Ziekenhuizen Haaglanden MC

2004 - 2025 Mundo vroedvrouwen Surlinio