We notice that many parents-to-be like to prepare well for the birth. Mundo Vroedvrouwen has therefore developed an informationvideo. In this video we will discuss questions that are regularly asked to us during obstetric checkups. Like no other, we understand that when you go into labor for the first time, you don't really know what to expect. We also know that every birth is different.
We send you the link to the video around 20 weeks of pregnancy by e-mail.
Because we, as midwives, will actually be present during the delivery, we think that the information video provides honest information and will help you to make the right choices.
In the YouTube video, we will explain what happens during a natural delivery. We will explain how you can positively influence a delivery. However, we know that a delivery can only partially be influenced. That is why we also tell you what the most common reasons are to refer you to a gynecologist and what the chances are of that happening. We elaborate on the choices you have during your delivery.
We ask you to watch the video before you consultation about the birthplan, so you are well prepared.s
The subjects we will discuss are: